Monday, May 6, 2024

Short Face Long Beak

I want a bird who's the queen scolopacid.

I want a bird who knows her niche.

I want a bird who's hell-bent onward,

Racing the storm 'cross the Solomon reach.

I want a bird with the right adaptations,

Who is fast and thorough

As she probes her mudflats.

She's been wintering in Auckland,

She's visiting Pohnpei,

She's touring coral atolls and their beach habitats.

I want a bird with a short face

And a loong beak...

I want a bird who wakes up early.

I want a bird who stays up late.

I want a bird with uninterrupted transocean flight -

Arctic sun twenty-four hours a day.

Her bill curves up like the arc of justice, 

And her voice is a clarion on the shore.

She is fast, thorough,

She's probing mudflats.

She is foraging for polychaetes 

Beneath algal mats.

I want a bird with a short face

And a long, loong beak...

I want a bird from the ends of the planet.

I want a bird who might fly astray.

At City Park she'll drop in accidentally;

I'll spot her there as the killdeer give way.

She wants a tailwind across the Pacific.

She wants a wind that will get her there. 

On Waikiki Beach I'll sip a mimosa

While waiting to meet up with my favorite Limosa.

I want a  bird with a short face

And a looong beak...

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Pen Pal on Escape Pod

The science fiction podcast Escape Pod is now presenting a reading of my novelette "Pen Pal".  Part 1 of the story posted on October 13, and Part 2 should be up on October 20.  It was a real treat this week to hear Kitty Sarkozy and Rachel Lackey bringing the words of Mary and Thu off the page and into voice.  Great work and my thanks to both of them!  Earlier when I had heard Kitty's reading of "An Incident on Ishtar" I had thought that she might be a good fit for this story, and I was glad to see that she would be doing part of the narration.  She did a terrific job expressing Mary's character, and also capturing how her voice changes over the course of the story.  I hadn't heard Rachel's work before, but I thought she nailed Thu's particular individual style and affect.  Not to mention the bits of melodic verse for both narrators - small but rather important pieces of the story, the tunes of which are nowhere within the four corners of the page.  So thanks for finding them!

Next week Part 2:  in which the lives of our protagonist-correspondents get some unpleasant sharp shocks... [EDIT: Part 2 has now been posted here!]

If you liked "Pen Pal", you can check out some of my other stories:

Winterfey.  In a ghost town on the Colorado high plains, a little girl encounters the goddess of death.  This story was published in 2015 in the SF anthology After Oil 2: The Years of Crisis.  Sneak peek tip: On the Amazon page for the anthology, if you click "Look inside" you can find the full text of this story on the preview pages.

Eight Stars of Gold. A 22nd-century whaling expedition along the Alaskan coast.  This story was published in 2016 in the SF shared-world anthology Merigan Tales.  A slightly different version is also available here on my blog.

As Above. The mystery of the billionaire and the domes....  This story was originally published in 2018 in Flash Fiction Magazine.  It has also featured in a reading by C. B. Droege on the Manawaker Studios Flash Fiction Podcast.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

September Update

Quick update with cool news!  The science fiction podcast Escape Pod will be presenting a reading of my novelette "Pen Pal" in a few weeks.  They do terrific work with narrative readings of science fiction stories, and I'm looking forward to hearing the characters in this story come alive.  Stay tuned for details.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Merlin SoundID

Overview of a brief field test of the Merlin SoundID app

I downloaded the Merlin app to my iPad and installed the SoundID module. I tested SoundID identification in a bird community typical of Willamette Valley residential areas in July; birds were reasonably vocal but in general not actively singing at this stage of the breeding season.  I am familiar with all of the bird species expected at this location.  This site has light to moderate ambient noise (traffic and machinery)  - generally this is not an issue but it may briefly interfere with audio detections.  SoundID recommends working with audio clips of no more than 2 minutes in length.  For this test I conducted five 10-minute point counts - during each of which I collected five sequential 2-minute audio clips in SoundID.  During these counts I allowed Merlin to access iPad location information, so that suggested identifications were informed by appropriate geographical location.  During each point count I recorded all birds that I detected, whether they were identified visually or by sound, and estimated numbers of each species.  If Merlin provided a species identification on any of the five audio clips during a count, I scored the species as identified by SoundID.  SoundID identifications that I did not myself detect during the point count were noted in the checklist comments.

Each point count was recorded as an eBird checklist:

Summarizing species detected, with total number of counts on which each was confirmed to have occurred, broken down by three identification methods:

Species                        #Counts Visual    Heard    SoundID

Eurasian Collared-Dove             4      3        3         2

Vaux's Swift                       3      3        1         1

Anna's Hummingbird                 5      3        5         1

Turkey Vulture                     2      2        0         0

Cooper's Hawk                      0      0        0         1

Great Horned Owl                   0      0        0         2

California Scrub-Jay               3      2        2         0

American Crow                      3      0        3         1

Violet-green Swallow               3      1        2         2

European Starling                  2      2        2         0

Cedar Waxwing                      1?     0        0         1

Evening Grosbeak                   1      1        1         0

House Finch                        3      3        3         2 

American Goldfinch                 4      2        3         2

Pine Siskin                        0      0        0         1

Finch sp.                          2      1        1         0

For the species detected only by SoundID during a count, I reviewed the audio clip to assess whether I could identify the call.  The Great Horned Owl and Cooper's Hawk identifications appeared to be concurrent with Eurasian Collared-Dove calls.  The Pine Siskin identification appeared to be concurrent with a European Starling call; the Cedar Waxwing identification was a high-pitched whistle that might have been correctly identified but was likely a European Starling call.

Total number of confirmed species x count detections was 35, including two finches not confirmed to species.  Of these, 23 were visually detected, 26 were heard, and 12 were correctly detected by SoundID.  In addition, there were 4 species x count detections by SoundID that appeared to be incorrectly identified, and one (Cedar Waxwing) for which the accuracy of the identification was undetermined.

My thoughts:

1) I enjoyed using this app.  Even though the successful identification rate was fairly low, it was impressive that in many cases SoundID successfully picked up an identification within a few seconds.  Indeed, in a few cases where I was not paying full attention, the ID popped up slightly before I had mentally processed a sound.  Because the app can often provide nearly real-time feedback and does not get distracted, this could be a useful training tool to help with learning bird identification by sound.

2) The accuracy of identification is by no means adequate to be relied upon for a comprehensive bird list or to document rarities.  Nonvocal species like Turkey Vultures will of course never be picked up.  Moreover, vocalizations that are nearby and loud are much more likely to be detected; in several cases even where a species was successfully ID'd, the birds had been identifiably calling at a moderate distance for several minutes before SoundID successfully made an identification.  Possibly a better microphone system than the iPad default would allow more species to be detected.  The rate of incorrect identifications was significant, so using the system even for learning purposes certainly needs to be tempered with more than a grain of salt.

3) Evidently starlings are hard!  These five point counts included 20 minutes of  loud and actively communicating social starlings, about 20 meters away, but SoundID never provided a European Starling ID.  Since their vocalizations are so diverse, this might be unsurprising, but it was a significant miss.

4) On other trials where I set the iPad to not allow Merlin access to location information, SoundID did the best it could but was nowhere near as realistic. (A notification did pop up indicating that the identifications did not incorporate location info and might be inaccurate).  A wide variety of unlikely North American species were proposed, including Common Redpoll, Flammulated Owl, American Avocet, and Yellow-crowned Night Heron.  Enabling location info is necessary to give a fair test of the system.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Ten Bird Commandments

Having been listening to the soundtrack for Hamilton this past week, I got a brainstorm for alternative lyrics to "The Ten Duel Commandments."  If you don't mind wading through a thicket of birding in-jokes!

(Here's the original!)

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!

It's the Ten Bird Commandments!

Number One:

The challenge – identifications.

You'll need your sharpest eyes, plus a bunch of patience.

Number Two:

In your pack, have a Sibley (the Second

Edition) for when field marks are reckoned.

Number Three:

Hit the hotspot when the rain clears.

Binoculars are nice

If a Code 5 rarity appears.

Also train your ears, catch the flight calls fast.

Don't Just Rely On Expensive Glass!

Number Four:

If you can't clinch ID, that's all right -

Time to post to OBOL, get some twitchers on site.

Everybody scans to the best of their ability;

Some birdseed as a gift is a marker of civility.


Start before the sun is in the sky.

Chorus song is high, spare an eye to spy!

Number Six:

Leave a note on the eBird site.

Make your case airtight.

Pray reviewers will confirm it's right.


Confess you did

Not get a photo but

It might still be amid

That other flock of butterbutts.

Number Eight:

Last chance to equivocate!

Send Dave Irons in, maybe he can set the record straight.

--On the third branch?

--That's the bird. --Sure,

But you can't see projection from that perch. --Heard

It call, somewhere over in that birch. --Bird's

Dropped down.  --If we had another searcher...

--Hang on! That back is too gray. You see, an Acadian

won't fit the facts.

--Okay... It's “Empidonax”.

Number Nine:

Next migration time, it might transpire.

Finally start a big year, aim much higher.

Count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Sand Martins on the wire!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Lesser Angels

[spoilers below for The Translator!]

In John Crowley's novel The Translator, during the early 1960s the exiled Russian poet Innokenti Isayevich Falin has come to teach at a Midwestern university.  His student Kit finds that peculiar circumstances surround him, inexplicably and persistently.  And then one night she happens to see him walking across campus, and follows him, but:

...she slowed uncertainly; she could see down all the lighted paths, he couldn't have gone far. 

He was gone, gone entirely, vanished.

She walked on toward the library, feeling an Alice feeling of having been put in the wrong by a being who didn't follow the laws of physics.  Then she found she was walking right toward him: he stood before the library, and he was talking to a slim dark woman, or rather listening to her talk, she seemed distraught or upset somehow, she talked and shook her head and almost seemed to tremble: and then as Kit came close, almost too close, unable not to, the woman pressed her cheek against his coat. 

Only one paragraph, and this woman never reappears in the story.   But Crowley is not one to be sloppy about leaving threads dangling in his narrative.

Who is she?

The twisting shadow of the Cold War moves over the life of this little college campus.  At the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis Falin... vanishes.  The manuscripts of his poems are mysteriously lost.  But the world edges back away from war, and life persists.

Many years later Kit speaks to her father of it:

"I think that back then, when he came to this country, there was a struggle going on between the angels of the nations, his and ours; and that in their anger and their fear, those angels came to destroy the world... 

"But no, of course it didn't happen," Kit said, and she rose up and went to the window, as though to release her thought or her soul that way.  "It didn't, it should have but it didn't.  Because the lesser angel of one nation interceded.  On our behalf.  He made an offer; he offered himself."

"The lesser angel," George said.  "The lesser angel."...

"The lesser angel," she said.  "Every nation has one: an angel who is all that the greater angel isn't.  Who can weep if the nation's angel can't; or laugh if it never does; who is small and weak and powerless, like us.  Except this once.  Because the lesser angel could say: Take this as a sop to your anger.  And it worked...

"It didn't have to be much.  It wasn't much.  It was only the thing most precious to him.  What would destroy him to lose.  His soul."

"They have souls?"

"His self.  His life."  A sheaf of papers, yellow American copy paper, the rough uneven lines of Russian words typed on the Undervud.  "They couldn't refuse that."

"They couldn't."

"They couldn't.  They can't.  It's how they are." 

 And if Soviet Russia had a lesser angel, the animating spirit of what was not the gray empire of the Politburo and the KGB and the gulags; I take it that America had one as well.

And that she remains.

Thanks to Ibram Kendi for his article this week in The Atlantic, A Battle between the Two Souls of America, which brought this back to my mind.

Monday, October 12, 2020


For three days toward the end of September,

Crack open your window sometime at night, and

Then listen if you can remember.

Flocks hidden by cloud in the starless skies.

Only the clamor of high yelping cries

Reveals the swift whitefronts in far-coursing flight, and

If you miss them, the next week they’re gone.

From Gulf Coast marshes white flocks now ascend with

Black wingtips in motion.  Loud vees assemble,

Surge northward across thawing land, with

Their way bending left at the Arctic coast,

Drawn by the memories, bright in their host, 

Of nests and soft grasses, the island of Wrangel.

Chanting one to the other, course on.